Relationship between emotional intelligence and classroom teacher´s performance at the Continental University of Huancayo

  • Elizabeth Coronel Capacyachi Universidad Continental
  • Fernando Ñaupari Rafael Universidad Continental
Keywords: Intelligence, emotional intelligence, teacher performance.


Objective: To determine the existent relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Classroom Teacher´s Performance in the Continental University of Huancayo. Method: The descriptive correlational design, based on a single study sample, conformed by 70 educators of the 14 Academic Professionals Schools, to which the Inventory of Emotional Intelligence of Baron was applied (adapted of Ugarriza and Barns), to evaluate the intrapersonal, interpersonal, adaptability, stress handling, and state of general spirit components; and an Observation Index of the Educator´s Performance in Classroom, considerating the aspects such as professional and personal capacity. Results:92,8% of educators have an Emotional Intelligence in general, very developed (High) and an appropriate emotional capacity (Average); of the same group, 94,3% have an excellent performance as an educators (Very High) and a qualified performance (High). This way, the application of the test r of Pearson, with (alpha) = 0,01, they show a direct correlation. Conclusions: A high, direct and significative correlation exists between the variable emotional intelligence and educator´s performance in classroom, in the Continental University of Huancayo.


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How to Cite
Coronel Capacyachi, E., & Ñaupari Rafael, F. (2011). Relationship between emotional intelligence and classroom teacher´s performance at the Continental University of Huancayo. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 1(1).
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