Temporal variability of atmospheric aerosols in Huancayo

  • Sthefany Vivanco Cristobal
Keywords: Temporal variability, atmospheric aerosols, aerosol index, aerosol optical thickness.


Objectives: To identify using satellite data temporal variability of atmospheric aerosols in Huancayo. Methods: This is a basic research, descriptive scope, longitudinal design. The data collection process was conducted using data from the aerosol index (AI) taken by the OMI sensor (ozone monitoring instrument) in the period 2005-2012; and aerosol optical depth (AOD) recorded by the MODIS (moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer) of the Aqua and Terra platforms, in the periods 2003-2012 and 2001-2012, respectively. Results: IA 2012 recorded an annual maximum of 0,61; during the januarymarch period decreased to 0,30, from april to august increased to 0,75, and septemberdecember decreased to 0,43. Instead, the AOD reported in 2005 an annual maximum of 0,22, in the april-june period decreased to 0.09, july-september increased to 0,30 from october to december decreased to 0,22, and January-March increased to 0,20. The statistical analysis reported a correlation coefficient between the AI of sensor OMI and EOA of sensor MODIS Aqua and Terra of the platforms, being 0,1041 and 0,0982 (p<0,05), respectively. The same correlation was performed between MODIS data resulting higher, 0,902 (p<0,05). The IA showed a tendency to increase at the rate of 0,036/year; decrease the EOA, 0,003/year. Conclusions: A pattern of significant variation between the seasons and the months of both parameters, with high levels of IA in winter and autumn, peak in August was identified; the EOA, in spring and summer highs in September. This behavior is repeated during the study period.


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How to Cite
Vivanco Cristobal, S. (2014). Temporal variability of atmospheric aerosols in Huancayo. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2014006
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