Models and tools for studies on aerosol optical thickness and its relation to the Earth’s radiative forcing

  • Pamela Piñas Sumalave Universidad Continental
Keywords: Atmospheric aerosols, radiative forcing, energy balance, atmospheric pollution, particulate matter


The objective is to know about the needed models and tools to recover, process and interpret atmospheric aerosol data and related sub variables for its research. Also to know about the possible generated radiative forcing due to the aerosols optical properties in Huancayo. The generated aerosols by the biomass burning in Peru are in a highest percentage from the Peru’s Amazon and it’s added those which come from other countries. The available tools for this kind of studies In Huancayo are for example the CIMEL CE318 Solar Photometer from AERONET network, it has more than 450 worldwide photometers; this tool collects information of variables such as aerosol optical depth (AOD), angstrom coefficient and others. To corroborate this information we have the provided data by the MODIS spectroradiometer on the Terra and Aqua satellites. The used atmospheric models for aerosols data processing and the radiative forcing are the HYSPLIT and SBDART. In conclusion it is necessary to have consolidated information about variables, tools and models which are necessary and indispensable for this problem research that has its source in the biomass burning, with result in the atmospheric pollution and ultimately harms all social and environmental surroundings.


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How to Cite
Piñas Sumalave, P. (2015). Models and tools for studies on aerosol optical thickness and its relation to the Earth’s radiative forcing. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(2), 205 - 210.
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