Social participation and reproductive health care in rural communities in Junin

  • María Romero Santillana Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino
Keywords: Public health, social participation, sexual and reproductive health


This research aimed to identify the kind of social participation and its relationship with the reproductive health care in the Comas Andean region. The scope of this study was correlational, cross-sectional, and non-experimental design; the sample studied was composed of 200 Comas residents. Results showed that the collaborative mode (78,5 %) is the predominant form of social participation; referring to sexual health care the population had more or less knowledge (58,5 %), which leads to negative attitudes (91,6 %) and risky behavior (82,08 %). Social participation is a process by which individuals and families take care of their own health, welfare and community. Thanks to this participation, individuals and social groups learn to assume their responsibilities in health, including reproductive health; thus, actively contributing to the global and family community development. It has been shown that health services are not enough to improve the reproductive health situation, especially of the vulnerable or weakened who live in poverty. Ultimately, the social participation in the Comas Andean region is limited to the cooperation of the health facility’s requirements which has statistically significant relationship with reproductive health care.


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How to Cite
Romero Santillana, M. (2015). Social participation and reproductive health care in rural communities in Junin. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(2), 316 - 321.
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