Research methodology and students’ academic performance in Universidad Continental, 2014

  • Roxana Espejo Ramos Universidad Continental
  • Verónica Canales Guerra Universidad Continental
Keywords: Research methodology, academic performance


The objective was to determine the effect that research methodology has on academic students’ performance (SP) majoring in biology at the Universidad Continental. For this purpose, before applying the research methodology, a control and experimental group of students SP were evaluated and compared; afterwards learning sessions about research methodology were applied in the experimental group. Finally, SP was compared before and after the research methodology application in both groups. The results were analyzed using F Fisher and t Student test. Normality was analyzed according to normality Shapiro test - Wilk and the homogeneity, according to F Fisher test. Results showed that the average pre SP test was 6, 69 for the control group with a 1,948 standard deviation (SD) and 29,1 % coefficient of variation (CV), whereas the experimental group was 6,66 with a 1,961 standard deviation (SD) and 29,7 % CV. Therefore, the SP in both groups were identical, homogeneous (CV> 15 %), with equal variances and (SD). Respect to the SP in the experimental group in the post test, an average of 11,53 with a 2,874 (SD) was obtained and 24,9 % CV by Student t test at 95 % confidence, which proves that the average SP of the experimental group in the post-test is greater than the average in the respective pretest, since the P value (Pr (|T|> |t|) = 0) is less than the usual significance level of 0,05. In conclusion, the research methodology has a positive effect on the academic students’ performance in Biology class, at the Universidad Continental.


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How to Cite
Espejo Ramos, R., & Canales Guerra, V. (2015). Research methodology and students’ academic performance in Universidad Continental, 2014. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(2), 339 - 346.
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