Strategic Planning and its relationship with organizational climate in a peruvian public institution

  • Antonio Obregón La Rosa
  • Judith Aquino Céspedes
Keywords: Strategic planning, organizational climate, public institution


The present study had the general objective, determine what relationship exists between the strategic planning and organizational climate in the administrative staff of one peruvian public institution, in this particular case, in the National Institute of Agrarian Innovation from Lima-Peru, during the year 2013, when the population was 228 people, the sample of 143 administrative, in which the variables have been used: Strategic Planning and Organizational Climate.The method used in the research was the hypothetical-deductive. This research used the non experimental correlational level transeccional court, which collected information on a specific period; the instruments applied were: Questionnaire Strategic Planning, which consisted of 40 questions on the scale of Likert and the questionnaire of organizational climate, which consisted of 40 questions in Likert scale which provided information about strategic planning, and organizational climate, through the evaluation of its different dimensions. The research concludes that there is significant evidence to affirm that, the strategic planning is significantly related to the organizational climate in the administrative staff; a Spearman Rho correlation coefficient of 0,988 having been determined, representing a high and significant correlation level.


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How to Cite
Obregón La Rosa, A., & Aquino Céspedes, J. (2016). Strategic Planning and its relationship with organizational climate in a peruvian public institution. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 6(2).
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