Expectations and assessment of the critical thinking of engineering students of the Universidad Continental, Huancayo

  • Pepe De la Cruz Sullca
Keywords: Critical thinking, expectations, assessment


The objective of this work was to determine the level of relationship between the expectations and the assessment of critical thinking of engineering students of the Universidad Continental. To fulfill this purpose a simple of 168 engineering students of Universidad Continental has been selected; who participated in a survey, making use of the Motivational Critical Thinking Scale. Some important results show that, for example, regarding the expectations of critical thinking according to age, those belonging to the age, those belonging to the age group of 18 to 23 years have a high expectation about the development of their critical thinking; and only 7 of the respondents said they had a low expectation. Therefore, regarding the assessment of critical thinking according to age, a total of 165 students have a high rating on the development of their critical thinking; and a low rating only 3 of the students; the students who have a low rating are 18, 20 and 28 years old respectively. In conclusión, the level of relationship between expectations and the assessment of critical thinking is high, positive and significant because the calculated chi-square is 70, this value is high and positive correlation and the p-value is 0 therefore it is significant. Reflecting and improving critical thinking skills involves judging when one is or is not working well, or how well or as well as posible, and also involves considering ways to improve the performance in critical thinking.


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How to Cite
De la Cruz Sullca, P. (2017). Expectations and assessment of the critical thinking of engineering students of the Universidad Continental, Huancayo. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2017006
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