Neuroscience in early childhood

  • Claudia Bodero Cáceres
Keywords: Neuroscience, education, early childhood, family, child, values


Education in Perú and the education of children, especially in early childhood, is currently being criticized both by family formation, teacher preparation and the quality of education. 2013 brought a discouraging result for our educational system, such as the PISA (Programa Internacional para la Evaluacion de Estudiantes), which analyzed the performance of 15 years old students in mathematics, language and science, and placed Perú in one of the last places among 65 countries. This article analyzes the importance of the child’s education from the moment the mother is pregnant until the child comes to be part of the education system. Emphasizes the formation of values, emotional, social, etc., so that the child enhances their ability to be happy and be a good citizen. It is important that an educator understands neurosciences as a broad way of knowing the brain -how it is, how it learns, how it processes, records, preserves and evokes information, among other aspects- to improve the proposals and learning experiences that occur in the classroom. The teachers have the possibility of helping to develop the potential of each and every one of our students since it is, in the school stage, when the brain is more moldable and plastic. It is vital to take advantage of that moment and the opportunity that is offered to us. We can do a lot from school. The future of society lies in the human mind and the type of connections we establish internally and externally.


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Campos, A. L. (2010). Neuroeducación: cómo educar para que el cerebro aprenda. Lima: Cerebrum Ediciones.

Kandel , E., Jessell , T., & Schwartz , J. (2005). Neurociencia y conducta. Madrid: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Mora, F. (2013). Neuroeducación, solo se puede aprender aquello que se ama. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

How to Cite
Bodero Cáceres, C. (2017). Neuroscience in early childhood. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 7(1).
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