Scientific research culture: a proposal for the development of hte state of the art in general students of high school

  • Lipselotte Infante Rivera Universidad Continental
Keywords: Investigative culture, evaluation, state of the art, education


The objective of this study was to propose actions for the development of the state of the art in students of General Media Education. A descriptive research was used, under the feasible project modality. The sample of the study was probabilistic that included 84 students of 5th year of baccalaureate, to which a 25-item instrument was applied, designed through the variables under study, which had a consistency of 0.93% in the correlation of the items, which was done by the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient. The discussion of the results helped to determine that the high school students, still do not have the notion of how and where to investigate, which indicates lack of guidance on the part of the teachers who teach the subjects related to methodology. Among the most important conclusions was that the vast majority of students do not know the scientific method, nor the proper way to write reports or simple works of their subjects, and teachers are not prepared to contribute to the development of a research culture. Therefore, the proposal to carry out teacher refresher activities can contribute in order to obtain knowledge and skills necessary to impart the learning expected in terms of conducting projects and training in research culture in students.


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How to Cite
Infante Rivera, L. (2017). Scientific research culture: a proposal for the development of hte state of the art in general students of high school. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 7(2).
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