Prevention of occupational risks and performance of workers of the Instituto Continental, Huancayo

  • Fabiola Berrios Gamarra Universidad Continental
Keywords: Program, prevention of occupational risks, performance, cleaning worker


The objective was to determine the effectiveness of a program of prevention of occupational risks on the job performance of the cleaning workers of the Instituto Continental in 2016. The study was descriptive transectional with pre and post. The population was 35 workers; the observation technique was used for the collection of data and the instrument was the performance evaluation form, the hypothesis by comparing averages is contrast using the parametic test of two difference for related samples. It is results which, in terms of the performance evaluation before the implementation of the program of occupational risks, 74,3 % have a good performance; there is no evidence of very good performance. After the implementation of the program is observed that 65,7 % of workers have a good performance and 5,7 %, present a very good performance. However, there is no significant relationship (p>0,05) betweeen job performance before and after the application of the program. The theoretical and practical activities of the occupational risk prevention program did not significantly improve the general skills such as: identify, initiative, integrity, as well as specific competences: compliance with objectives, efficiency, customer treatment, communication, adaptability, reliability, teamwork. In conclusion, the application of the occupational risk prevention program was not effective on the work performance of the workers.


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How to Cite
Berrios Gamarra, F. (2017). Prevention of occupational risks and performance of workers of the Instituto Continental, Huancayo. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 7(2).
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