Vulnerability of elementary school students to Facebook use, parents and children's perspective

  • Claudia Oruna Soto Universidad Continental
  • Claudia Rios Cataño Universidad Continental
Keywords: social networks, facebook, vulnerability, use internet, students


The objective was to analyse the vulnerability of primary school children for the use of Facebook from the perspective of parents and children. It was a quantitative, descriptive and prospective study, the sample consisted of 19 children and their respective parents or guardians in a private school in the city of Huancayo, for data collection we worked in two phases, the first was interviewed underage and the second was interviewed their parents. The results were that parents reported having internet at home 68.4%, that their children had a Facebook account 57.9%, and that they monitored the use of the internet 68.4%, 52.6% of parents agreed that the use of Facebook does not represent a current threat to their children. It is concluded that children are vulnerable to the use of Facebook mainly due to the lack of knowledge of parents regarding the activities of their children and on the other hand, children consider that they know about the dangers of using social networks, although their attitudes show the opposite.


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How to Cite
Oruna Soto, C., & Rios Cataño, C. (2022). Vulnerability of elementary school students to Facebook use, parents and children’s perspective. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 10(1), 38-44.
Artículos de investigación