Teleworking and its influence on work performance in peruvian employees of a chilean company, Lima, 2023

Keywords: Teleworking, Job performance, Productivity


The general objective of this research is to analyze the influence of Teleworking and Work Performance on the Peruvian collaborators of a Chilean company, Lima, 2023, which is justified by evidencing the reality and the opportunity to increase the performance of said collaborators, managing to satisfy to the organization, its methodology is a quantitative approach of an applied type with a non-experimental design and a transversal, correlational-causal level, applying a survey to 22 Peruvian workers in the administrative area, said survey supported with a reliability level of 0.889, which This means that it is optimal, obtaining a Spearman correlation of 0.778 and a degree of significance of 0.000 with positive values, thus demonstrating that in this research there is a direct relationship between the variables and a high degree of association, rejecting the alternative hypothesis and accepting the formulated hypothesis; that teleworking does influence job performance.


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How to Cite
Escudero Novoa, M. L., & Gonzales Salavarría, A. A. (2024). Teleworking and its influence on work performance in peruvian employees of a chilean company, Lima, 2023. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 12(1), 15-26. Retrieved from
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