Discovering of Controversial Issues: A Guide for Judges and Arbitrators

  • Renzo Cavani Universidad Continental
Keywords: Factual and legal issues, evidence, legal justification


This article seeks to challenge the actual understanding in Peruvian judicial practices and arbitration practices have the task of the discovering of controversial issues that simply consists in the transcription of the sue requests. Contrary to this, this text suggests that the judge or arbitrator should perform a reliable work in the procedure organization, this lies in determining the relevant facts, the admission and exclusion of the evidence and the legal issues offered by the parties.


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Author Biography

Renzo Cavani, Universidad Continental
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
How to Cite
Cavani, R. (2016). Discovering of Controversial Issues: A Guide for Judges and Arbitrators. Ius Et Tribunalis, 1(1).
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