Knowledge of the Law professional on the legal aspects of the clinical record in Mexico

  • Omar Bravo Acevedo Universidad Continental
  • Fernando González Contreras Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Marco Santana Campas Universidad de Guadalajara


As the years go by, the legal sciences evolve and adapt to new realities and social contexts, which look for people to interact and live in harmony with their peers, so it is essential to regulate human behavior and activity in each area of the law. In this article, a legal form of medicine, specifically, the clinical record, was studied that it’s originated from the medical care service between the health professional and the patient. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to establish the basic and legal aspects of the clinical file, the law professional must know, so that they can proceed legally on behalf of health users before the competent authority. To fulfill the objective of this research, a qualitative documentary methodology was used through a systematic review of the literature whence it was possible to establish the basic legal aspects of knowledge and interest to the lawyer, as well as the sanctions contemplated by Mexican legislation against physicians for mishandling the medical record.


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How to Cite
Bravo Acevedo, O., González Contreras, F., & Santana Campas, M. (2020). Knowledge of the Law professional on the legal aspects of the clinical record in Mexico. Ius Et Tribunalis, 1(1).