Teaching-learning in architectural design and education for sustainable development in the universities of Huancayo

  • Adolfo Concha Flores Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
Keywords: Teaching and learning, architectural design, education for sustainable development


The aim of the study was to describe the variables teaching and learning, and education of architectural design for sustainable development in Huancayo Universities, also to establish their correlation relationships. This research was of correlational and descriptive level, not experimental, and had a cross-sectional design. The content analysis card was the instrument, it applied the Fleiss Kappa index to determine a value for both variables of 0,93 (almost perfect agreement). The Reliability test used the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient whose measure for both variables was 0,81 (very high). The sampling used was non probabilistic, namely by criterion. As results, both learning and teaching of architectural design and the SDE epistemological foundation variables had median distribution scores: UNCP Me = 0,155, UPLA Me = 0,14 and UC Me = 0,1375, showing that there are low agreements among these. In addition, the standard deviation ranged from 0,27 to 0,035 values that determined high dispersion and a tendency to low agreements between variables. To conclude, in accordance with the correlation coefficient there are low agreements between variables; and the teaching of architecture has minimal correlations, showing that regardless of the importance of Education for Sustainability, appropriate steps have yet to be taken.


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How to Cite
Concha Flores, A. (2015). Teaching-learning in architectural design and education for sustainable development in the universities of Huancayo. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2015008
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