Legal alternatives for small quinoa producers in Junin

  • Ricardo Solis Reategui Universidad Continental
Keywords: Associativity, small producers, quinoa, associative contracts


The objective of this paper is to show the situation of small quinoa producers from the Junin region and how the implementation that has already been given in other parts of the country could improve its environment with the use of legal tools that ensure their productions to have better prices and also a better treatment to the original producer. For the information collection, specialized literature was reviewed. We can mention, small producers state that collectors and exporting companies show no interest in supporting them. For them, the collectors and the agricultural exporters’ aim is to profit themselves by getting a lower price in the producer. In conclusion, there is very little associativity in the Junin region, some State and regional institutions support the associative development but in an incipient way and with very little information. Quinoa from the Junin region is considered organic, and the cost is quite low for its quality comparatively with the quinoa from the coast, the last is trying to reach the same price but with an intensive production using pesticides and biochemical which limit its entry into certain markets. Local and regional authorities should help to develop small chains to improve quinoa production through technical assistance, consequently a good product will be able to demand a better price and payment terms.


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11. Grupo Agronegocios [Internet]. Lima: Cristina Velásquez Varela; 20 de agosto de 2013 [Citado el 24 de junio de 2014]. Junín: Productores comercializaron 45 toneladas de quinua a empresa exportadora [1 pantalla]. Disponible en:

How to Cite
Solis Reategui, R. (2015). Legal alternatives for small quinoa producers in Junin. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(1).
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