Ludic training in micro and small enterprises in Junín

  • Roberto De La Torre Santana Universidad Continental
  • Salutar Mari Loardo Universidad Continental
  • Luis Rivera Cosser ONG Crecer Mype Perú
Keywords: Recreational training, micro enterprises, entrepreneurs, workshops


The objectives were to propose recreational experiential training methodologies to measure its value by small and micro entrepreneurs in the Junin region; and to demonstrate the possibility to serve this segment market with specialized training in appropriate centers. The research was descriptive and for the data collection, the survey technique was used, applied to 803 small and micro entrepreneurs from eight areas of the Junin region to know their training periodicity, perception and knowledge level about recreational training. About this sample was determined another sample for the realization of four recreational experiential training workshops, designed to test the hypothesis; also the business laboratory methodology from the ILO in 58 entrepreneurs during January and February 2014 was applied. The results indicate that 100 % of the participant entrepreneurs in the four workshops considered that recreational training is highly applicable to their businesses; 96,6 % considered it active and not boring; and the 100 % also expressed their willingness to participate in more of these trainings, they even proposed a list of courses or topics that they would demand. In conclusion, recreational trainings are very well received and valued by the 96,6 % of entrepreneurs who participate in the workshops. This segment is very important and numerous, that well-targeted and with training products to suit them, you can take advantage of the recreational training market.


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How to Cite
De La Torre Santana, R., Mari Loardo, S., & Rivera Cosser, L. (2015). Ludic training in micro and small enterprises in Junín. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(1).
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