Acetate matrix as an option for dental crowns reconstruction and earlier guide restoration in primary dentition

  • Zendy Sosa Vilca Universidad Continental
  • Mario Elías Podestá Universidad Continental
  • Jesús Cóndor Astucuri Universidad Continental
Keywords: Pulpectomies, acetate matrix, oral rehabilitation


The objectives were to restore the earlier guide of primary dentition, by using the acetate matrix which is one of the alternatives of all this range for reconstruction; align teeth according to the facial biotype, achieving an appropriate aesthetic and also allow a proper phonation; return one of the earlier teeth functions that is the cutting and thus promote the proper chewing; achieve to recover self-esteem, because the child was tease by their classmates and neighborhood friends. The patient was male, 5 years old and 3 months old who came to the Pediatric Dentistry Second Specialty Clinic from the “Universidad Continental” in Huancayo, he had large carious lesions in the anterosuperior sector; when we made the clinical history, the mother reported that the patient suffers from asthma since he was 12 months old. In the anamnesis the food was mixed breastfeeding and nocturnal breastfeeding with no teeth cleaning; the radiographic study confirmed the clinically observation: mesial and distal large caries in the crown level. After the intervention optimal results can be noted in the clinical, cosmetic and functional part. The acetate matrix is an excellent alternative for making resin crowns so the earlier guide, chewing, phonation and aesthetics were restored, also achieving to recover self-esteem and the lost confidence because of the teasing in their school environment, getting a positive change in his personality.


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How to Cite
Sosa Vilca, Z., Elías Podestá, M., & Cóndor Astucuri, J. (2015). Acetate matrix as an option for dental crowns reconstruction and earlier guide restoration in primary dentition. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(1).
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