Bamboo as a building material in unconventional structures in Huancayo city

  • Vladimir Montoya Torres Universidad Continental
Keywords: Bamboo, guadua, construction, structures, unconventional


The study aim was to experiment with bamboo as a building material to assemble structures that generate unconventional spaces. This paper was of descriptive level, and cross-sectional design; measurements of humidity in bamboo were applied in order to measure their strength in dry air climates. Chanchamayo city was chosen as a source of raw material, and Huancayo city for the construction process, both provinces of Junin region. After selecting the construction material, we sectioned the samples that presented 80% moisture on its fibers; at the end of the construction process it was evident that moisture lowered down to 60%. As a result; a simple structure made of the bamboo species (Guadua angustifolia Kunth) was built using hand tools to construct a hyperbolic paraboloid. In this way, we managed to build a simple and fast geometric unconventional structure, of quick assembly, and favorable construction when building; the material suffered a loss of moisture caused by the dry climate of the city of Huancayo, thus generating cracks on the bamboo surfaces, and this shows that the material is vulnerable to climate changes and geographical space.


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How to Cite
Montoya Torres, V. (2015). Bamboo as a building material in unconventional structures in Huancayo city. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(1).
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