Cultural Influence of K-pop in young people of Lima

  • Moisés García Jiménez Universidad Cesar Vallejo
  • Ricardo Yuli Posadas Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
Keywords: K-pop, Hallyu, cultural influence, young people of Lima


The objective of the present work is to identify the cultural influence of K-pop in young people of Lima, who came to our country as a result of the korean wave or ‘Hallyu’. In this context, the ethnographic techniques of observation and in-depth interviews were applied to members of K-pop groups who frequently visit the Campo de Marte, district of Jesus Maria, taking as theoretical framework Robert Merton’s “Reference groups” as well as those of Daniel Katz and Milton Rockeach related to attitudes and their influence on beliefs. Then, in order to check if the majority of K-pop followers share common behavioral perceptions and behavior patterns identified in the content analysis, a survey was conducted on 384 youths, with positive values being transmitted through K-pop and that the Idols, that is to say, the Korean artists that spread this music, are considered individuals of reference and example to imitate by their fans. As a conclusion, it should be noted that, despite the Korean cultural influence, these young people expressed would not change their Peruvian culture, but rather seek to forge their own identity by adopting the best they can acquire from each culture, which reflects a phenomenon of interculturality.


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How to Cite
García Jiménez, M., & Yuli Posadas, R. (2016). Cultural Influence of K-pop in young people of Lima. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 6(2).
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