Web application with multiagent for the job placement management to universities undergraduates

  • Alex Peña Romero Universidad Continental
Keywords: Software, job placement, multiagents, graduates.


Objectives: To design a job placement service software with multiagents technics; also implementing the database and the administrative interface; the search, classification and shipping agent algorithm of the job placement software for the graduates of the Universidad Continental. Methods: The kind of research was descriptive scope; the structured method was used for the software development, also the user requirements analyzing techniques using a customer satisfaction survey and the object oriented methodology in the database design; the multiagents were implemented with the deterministic finite automata creation method, the same that is used in the compilers creation, determining the rules that process each problem situations. Results: The job placement software was developed using multiagents with a survey to determine user requirements, modeling the database with an object oriented methodology and taking into account that there is only one type of relationship between classes, also implement the search, classification and shipping agent algorithm with the deterministic finite automata like inference machines and moving away the knowledge bases. A software development guide and its agents was developed. Conclusions: The implemented software was operational and functional, also the multiagents were connected with the system; it is an important process for the job placement of the university graduates.


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How to Cite
Peña Romero, A. (2013). Web application with multiagent for the job placement management to universities undergraduates. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2013007
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