Personality styles in the process of vocational orientation in students from 4th and 5th grade of high school

  • Victor Ríos Cubas Universidad Continental
Keywords: Vocation, personality, professional interests.


Objectives: To analyze the influence of the identified personality styles for Hams Eysenck (irritable, phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic) in the professional interests in student`s vocation of the 4th and 5th grade of secondary education. Methods: It was applied a scale of personality and a test of vocational interests to 6198 students of both public and private high schools of the city of Huancayo - Peru, using a quantitative correlational method. Results:The area B corresponding to investigate facts reason, it has been the one that has had significantly higher scores (n=1678); while the area H corresponding to office works, it has obtained lower scores (n=332) impacting in both cases is present the temperament irritability (area B: n=246; area H: n=43). On the other hand, the average among the different areas shows that the half tendency of elections is in the area G (n=246) and it has to do with careers guided to the creativity (n=739). Conclusions: Incidence of the personality doesn't exist in the psychosocial environment is evidenced for making vocational decisions and the presence of abilities in the youths that should choose a lifestyle. It is also observed that they should adapt and improve the instruments that support for making professional decisions obeying the transcultural reality of the adolescents and the peculiarities of labor demand.


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How to Cite
Ríos Cubas, V. (2011). Personality styles in the process of vocational orientation in students from 4th and 5th grade of high school. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 1(1).
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