Application of a program for reading comprehension strategies

  • Virginia Navarro Salvador Universidad Continental
Keywords: Program, cognitive strategies, reading comprehension.


Objective: To apply a Strategies Program to improve the reading comprehension and learning in students of first grade from “Ingeniería” private high school from El Tambo - Huancayo. Method: The design of this investigation was quasi– experimental with pre and post test. The measuring instrument was the test of reading comprehension. The sample was conformed by 40 students of first grade of “Ingeniería” private high school; where 20 of them were the control group, and 20 students were the experimental group. In the first group, the strategies program was implemented in order to improve reading comprehension and learning, in the second group, this program was not applied. Results: I t was demonstrated that the strategies program improved significantly the reading understanding and learning, when was an average of 11,25 and in the final test an average of 19,5 significant difference to the 0,05 (tc = 17,6) while the control group in the entrance test obtained an average of 10,1 and in the final test obtained an average of 10,7. Conclusions: The implementation of a program in a methodological strategies adjusted to a proper planning gives positive results for reading comprehension and learning, with 95% of confidence level and margin of error of 0,05% in the students of first grade of secondary education in “Ingeniería” private high school from El Tambo, Huancayo.


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How to Cite
Navarro Salvador, V. (2011). Application of a program for reading comprehension strategies. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 1(1).
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