Hepatic sensitivity to the insulin in residents from high-altitude and sea level areas using the CLAMPEH method

  • Luis Aguilar Mendoza
  • Luis Baquerizo Sedano
  • Marilia Baquerizo Sedano
Keywords: Insulin, altitude, hepatic sensitivity.


Objectives: To determine and to compare the hepatic sensitivity to the insulin in permanent residents from sea level (Lima, 150 m.s.l, Patm [Atmospheric pressure] = 760 mm Hg) and from high-altitude (Huancayo, 3250 m.s.l, Patm = 520 mm Hg). Methods: It was used the CLAMPEH method. It’s considered the one with more accurately to determine the sensitivity to the insulin, which involves the infusion via venous, and to install two antebrachial catheters with an insulin fixed amount and a variable amount with a volumetric infusion pump. The hepatic sensitivity to the insulin was represented by the value (M) which indicates the relationship between the glucose amount infused with a hyperinsulinemia, to maintain glycemia values of 100 mg/dL, being the standard value 1 for this relationship (in the age group under 25 and 90-110 % of ideal weight). The sample was composed by 16 permanent residents for more than 5 years in each city, with a body mass index (BMI) between 20 and 25 kg/m2 and an age between 20 and 25. Results: We found that the hepatic sensitivity to the insulin was significantly higher (P <0.05) and the permanent resident from the highaltitude (m value M=1,5231, SD=0.3388) compared to the sea level permanent resident (m value M=1,1092, SD=0,2310). Conclusions: We propose that this is due to a physiological and metabolic adaptation at the conditioned height by the hypoxia and the atmospheric pressure.


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How to Cite
Aguilar Mendoza, L., Baquerizo Sedano, L., & Baquerizo Sedano, M. (2013). Hepatic sensitivity to the insulin in residents from high-altitude and sea level areas using the CLAMPEH method. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2013014
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