Behavior organizational base for a management by values in university organizations

  • Esau Caro Meza Universidad Continental
Keywords: Behavior organizational, management, values, university.


Objectives: This work seeks to contribute toward a change of attitude, because globalization is very discussed theme but motivation, moral, ethics, values, and commitments themes are not discussed. Methods: It is opportune to begin a new recovery stage, mainly in our personal self-esteem, of our family, our collaborators; for that reason it is show the results of the competition in a test taken for more than 400 students, in what indicates us with approval that the youths have venturesome spirit and at the university they are wasted because those are not cultivated or guided to discover themselves. Results:Enterie judgments about organizational behavior, its development and the reach of our cultures and stablished. What is it comes to give is an ethical strengthening to the economic globalization, since "imperialism" left the axiological crisis focused enterely on pragmatic materialism. Conclusions: The management by values has more positive results in the institutional administration than the management for objectives, because people are unfold satisfied in what they carry out "without pressure of a control or an evaluation."


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How to Cite
Caro Meza, E. (2011). Behavior organizational base for a management by values in university organizations. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 1(1).
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