Perception of social responsibility actions in companies from Junín

  • Jaime Castilla Barraza
Keywords: Social responsibility, social conflicts, social management, La Oroya, Concepción, Huancayo.


Objectives: To show the perception of the settlers on the implementation of actions of social responsibility of the companies that operate in La Oroya, Concepcion and Huancayo of the region Junín; to give to know the expectations and demands of the population and analyze which are the factors related to social conflicts that they claim to the companies. Methods: The research was of type basic, of descriptive level and of transverse design. It resorted to the review of specializing literature; there was done field work of mixed character, across the application of surveys, interviews and focal groups with settlers, authorities and specialists. Results: The communities demonstrated that the companies have never showed interest of support, considering that his labor in social responsibility is insufficient (63,3 %), although only they produce with lucrative ends; that should have endorsed his orders in education (68,4 % thought that the investment was insufficient), health (68,9 % considered it to be insufficient) and contracting of the workforce of the settlers of the zone (62,6 % indicated that it was insufficient), this way improve his standard of living. Conclusions: Given the levels of dissatisfaction in education and employment, principally, the objection in these populations ends transforming in social conflicts, as what the public and private institutions have the ethical and strategic imperative of generate models who answer to the diversity and inequality. In the search of a model of social responsibility, generated from the demands and expectations of the population of the zones where they produce different companies, debit of be bearing in mind how high places to generate levels of satisfaction in the population with whom they interact.


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How to Cite
Castilla Barraza, J. (2014). Perception of social responsibility actions in companies from Junín. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 4(1).
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