Evaluation of the infiltration rate in farm, forestry and grazing land in the Shullcas River's basin

  • Guillermo Carlos Gómez
  • Rubén Munive Cerrón
  • Tito Mallma Capcha
  • Carlos Orihuela Villavicencio
Keywords: Infiltration, vegetation cover, bulk density, porosity, agricultural land, farmland, grazing land.


Objectives: Assess and determine land use with the highest rate of infiltration Shullcas river subwatershed. Methods: Was developed a basic and correlational investigation. The current land uses were identified and demarcated, according to Peruvian regulation of land classification for its use capacity major, in these areas was selected 32 points sampling randomly using ArcGIS software tools, where were measured infiltration, using double ring infiltrometers, were registered cover vegetation types and were sampled soil for analyze their clay content, sand content, silt content, moisture content, bulk density and porosity, in laboratory. Results: Average infiltration rates by type of land use, were: 25,52 cm/h for forestry land, 12,42 cm/h for agricultural land and 2,07 cm/h for grazing land; addition, only 12,63% of the subwatershed of the river has Shullcas representative infiltration of 0,2 cm/h 25 cm/h. Conclusions: The forestry lands has the highest rate average infiltration, classified as too rapid, agricultural land as rapid, and grazing land as moderate.


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How to Cite
Carlos Gómez, G., Munive Cerrón, R., Mallma Capcha, T., & Orihuela Villavicencio, C. (2014). Evaluation of the infiltration rate in farm, forestry and grazing land in the Shullcas River’s basin. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2014004
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