Business management, competitiveness level and productivity of textile companies from Huancayo

  • Gustavo Loayza Acosta Universidad Continental
  • Sonia Curasma Quispe
Keywords: Business management, competitiveness, productivity, export management, marketing, environmental management.


Objectives: To determine the competitiveness level of textile sector companies with export potential from Huancayo, Peru; to promote the development in the most critical areas of the business management, study case according to the competitiveness map’s result. Methods: The research was applied, in quasi-experimental design. Data collection was through the application of the business competitiveness map, which allowed us to obtain information about the competitiveness level and company productivity. The sample included 15 companies which participated in the Junín Export Regional Executive Board (CERX Junín). The observations were made at the beginning and at the end, then to determine the respective company’s competitiveness diagnoses. Results: Companies increased the competitiveness level in 14% and O, 7 tenths of 2.96 points (out of 5 points) to 3.67 points. The percentage increase for areas was 60% to 73% in strategic planning, 62% to 74% in production and operations, 64% to 76% on quality assurance, 56% to 74% in marketing, 66 % to 74% in accounting and finance, 66% to 75% in human resources, 47% to 75% in environmental management, and 42% to 63% in information systems. Conclusions: Competitiveness of PTGE’s companies increased: 18% in Marketing, 21% in Information Systems and 28% in Environmental Management. We mention areas which achieved a better performance. The specialty or expertise labor skills and soft skills in PTGE’s students increased.


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How to Cite
Loayza Acosta, G., & Curasma Quispe, S. (2014). Business management, competitiveness level and productivity of textile companies from Huancayo. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 4(1).
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