Trends and climate change of the Mantaro valley through the analysis of indicators of effective precipitation and efficient temperature

  • Jacinto Arroyo Aliaga Instituto Geofísico del Perú
Keywords: Climate, climate change, variability.


Objectives: The investigation was to evaluate the changes and tendencies of the Mantaro Valley climate in function of the analysis of its indicators of efficient temperature and effective precipitation begining with monthly total values of precipitation and monthlyaver a gevaluesof temperature, measured from the year 1921 until the year 2010; also to compare the tendency of the secular movements with the global warming theory. Methods:To find the tendency of precipitations and temperature, the indicators of effective precipitations and efficient temperature were analyzed; then the inter annual behavior of the precipitation and temperature with their ranges of maximum and minimum to determine the climate type in function of the coefficient of variation; the series allowed to find the recurrent tendencies of both short and long duration through the analysis of the indicators to evaluate the general tendency. Results: The observed tendencies in the recurrent series of long duration of the indicators of efficient temperature and effective precipitation show us a behavior inversely proportional to their secular movements, the increase in temperature generates decrease in precipitations, and the secular movements show these changes in temperature in forty years and eighty years in precipitation. Conclusions: The changes and trends that were found in the climate of Mantaro Valley show more warming and decrease in precipitation during the analyzed decades, being the last years of the decade of the 2000 the phase of change; therefore the global warming theory is guaranted.


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How to Cite
Arroyo Aliaga, J. (2011). Trends and climate change of the Mantaro valley through the analysis of indicators of effective precipitation and efficient temperature. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 1(1).
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