Group dynamic and awareness of the projective identification in students of Psychology

  • Henry Flores Chacón
Keywords: Dynamic group, prospective identification, students of Psychology, psychoanalysis and insight.


Objectives: To determine the awareness of the prospective identification in relation to “the other”, at discussing the clinical material before and after their participation in a group dynamic, with students in the area of Psychology at Universidad Continental. Methods: The research design was a case study, qualitative and descriptive. The data collection was carried out through the interview and the psychological observation. The students’ contenidos manifiestos / reports were registered at the moment of discussing in group the clinical material from a patient´s psychotherapy session and presented by writing before and after their participation in the dynamic (12 sessions). Results: It was determined that the awareness in the prospective identification in relation to “the other” with students of Psychology, at discussing the same clinical material and after the group dynamic, indicate differences in the awareness: 3 contenidos manifiestos before and 22 after the dynamic. Conclusions: the awareness of the prospective identification in relation to “the other” is able to show favorable changes, thanks to a group dynamic. This achievement allows the patients´ sensitive understanding and empathy. Thus, It should be considered this kind of activity in the student´s formation of psychology because it consolidates their mental health by being consistent between their personal development and the acquired knowledge.


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How to Cite
Flores Chacón, H. (2014). Group dynamic and awareness of the projective identification in students of Psychology. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 4(2).
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