Chromatography by gas-spectrometry mass of Satureja Incana´s essential oil fitobioactives compounds

  • Joseph Ricaldi Sarapura
  • Alejandro Martínez Martínez
Keywords: Phytobioactives compound, essential oil, Satureja incana, CG-SM


Objectives: To analyze the Satureja Incana´s essential oil fitobioactives compounds by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS); and to determine the extractive yield and Satureja Incana´s essential oil physico-chemical characteristics. Methods: Young branches in bloom were collected, with cuts of 20-35 cm, collects location at an altitude of 2682 msl; Palca district, Tarma province, Junín region. Extraction: stainless steel extractor machine, time 1 hour. Physicochemical characterization: Peruvian Technique Norm. GC-MS analysis: helium gas flow 20 ml.min-1, essential oil injection of 0,2 ul, gradient thermal configuration. Results: The extraction yield was 0,49 dry basis with relative density 0,9816; refractive index of 1,4879 and acid index of 1,9860; and the phytochemical composition: mainly 66,37 % sesquiterpene and 30,07 % monoterpenes concentration; being the main compounds: germacrene D 25,91 %, β cariofilene 22,10 %, α-ocimene 12,62 %, 4(8)-p-mentone 6,73 %, humulene 3,95 %, oxide caryophyllene 3,08 %, limonene 2,44 %; and minority: ß bourbeneno 1,95 %, β-ocimene 1,78 %, espatulenol 1,66 %, β-linalool 1,64 %, dlisopulegol 1,66 %, α-cubebeno 1,51 %, δ-Cadinene 0,89 %, α - pinene 0,45 %, β-pinene 0,52 %. Conclusions: some compound chemical’s bioactive identified would provide proof for his use etnophytopharmacobotanical. Present characteristic potential to utilize in formulations so as to pesticides due to germacreno D’s presence in high concentration to it.


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How to Cite
Ricaldi Sarapura, J., & Martínez Martínez, A. (2014). Chromatography by gas-spectrometry mass of Satureja Incana´s essential oil fitobioactives compounds. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 4(2).
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