Temporal variability of the carbon monoxide concentration using the MOPITT sensor’s satellite data in Peru’s coast, mountains and rainforest regions

  • Eduardo Ñaña Baquerizo
Keywords: Temporal variability, carbon monoxide concentration, MOPITT sensor.


Objectives: To analyze the temporal variability of the carbon monoxide concentration (CO) in Peru’s coast (Chilca, Lima), mountains (Huancayo, Junin) and rainforest (Puerto Maldonado) regions for the period 2002-2012. Methods: Descriptive level research. MOPITT sensor’s satellite data were used (pollution measurements in the troposphere). Results: We found that CO data show an average of 2,67 (1018 mol/cm2), in Chilca; 1,89 (1018 mol/cm2) in Huancayo and 4,70 (1018 mol/cm2) in Puerto Maldonado; which were statistically validated (p> 0,05), with maximum values from august to october and minimum values from may to july, for a period of eleven years. During the research, higher CO concentrations were recorded in 2007 and 2010 and lower CO concentrations in 2006 and 2009. It was observed that in the CO concentration, there is a decrease in Chilca and Puerto Maldonado of -0,52%/year and -0,60%/year, respectively, and an increase in Huancayo of 0,05%/year. The values in Chilca are maximum of 2,12 in september and 2,03 in october; in Puerto Maldonado are maximum of 3,23 in september and 2,98 in october; in Huancayo are maximum of 1,27 in september and 1,22 in october. Conclusions: The findings show a seasonal pattern in the CO concentration, which is maintained for all the years on the three cities, with an increase from august to october, Puerto Maldonado is the city with the highest CO concentration and Huancayo with the lower CO concentration.


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How to Cite
Ñaña Baquerizo, E. (2014). Temporal variability of the carbon monoxide concentration using the MOPITT sensor’s satellite data in Peru’s coast, mountains and rainforest regions. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2014025
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