Comparative study of mineralogy and clay colloids in the humid tropical soils

  • Juan Bullón Ames
  • Erika Bullón Castillo
Keywords: Colloids, oxisols, ultisols, mineralogical, thermodifferential, kaolinites, gibbsite, goethite, illite.


Objectives: To compare the differences between the Malaysia and Zaire and the Peru’s soils mineralogical composition, in relation to the clayey colloids type they own. Methods: We used the correlational descriptive analytical method, with the variables: a) Clay type, b) Soil physical properties and c) Chemical properties. Variables were operationalized, being its indicators: For clay type: kaolinites, halloysites, illite, chlorite and smectite; for Physical properties, texture: sand, silt and clay; for chemical properties: pH, exchangeable aluminum, exchangeable acidity KCl, exchangeable acidity BaCl2 TEA. To determine these indicators, the following analytical methods were used: thermodifferential and electron microscopy for the clay type and goethite and gibbsite minerals. The physico-chemical properties were determined by the following methods: The granulometry (texture) by Bouyoucos method, pH by potentiometry, the exchangeable aluminum by extract titration with KCl, KCl exchangeable acidity by Yuan method, and exchangeable acidity BaCl2 TEA by Barium chloride. Results: Oxisols are composed by Kaolinites clays and by the gibbsite and goethite minerals, while Ultisols are formed by Illiticas clays, smectitic expandable convoluted, in a lesser proportion by kaolinites. Conclusions: Ultisols located in Peru are more fertile than Oxisols.


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How to Cite
Bullón Ames, J., & Bullón Castillo, E. (2014). Comparative study of mineralogy and clay colloids in the humid tropical soils. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 4(2).
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