Analysis of improvement in the manufacturing process of the rolls production using a formed dough modeling

  • Álvaro Velásquez Dávila
Keywords: Productivity, manufacturing rolls, prototype.


Objectives: Implementation of advances in the manufacturing process of rolls production by using a formed-braidedband electromechanical machine prototype. Methods: The process of manufacturing this prototype has been conducted to find the proper operating conditions. It has been modified different components such as the length and thickness of the endless, the force of reduced motors, the gyrator speed of the screw and different operating factors such as the extrusion temperature, humidity and initial temperature of the dough-making rolls in order to find the optimal operating parameters. As a result of these modifications, this type of product would have an excellent quality maintaining its recognized flavor, form and structure in the market. Results: It was designed an exemplar with a mechanism of extrusion consisting of a screw without end located in a housing box. In one side of its casing is a funnel of dough rolls and on the other end the squeezing bands for cavities that rotate them, which would give braiding bands required for forming the dough rolls. It has been carried out tests varying the amount of the humidity in 37 %, 30 % and 26 %; the temperature of the dough, and the speed of the screw. Conclusiones: After early tests showed of moisture, temperature and quality, the best product was obtained by using a rotated speed of 56 rpm, 26 % of humidity and used dough of 25° of temperature. Additionally, in economic terms, the productivity of rolls has increased and the costs of production has been reduced in 21 % providing a positive VAN of S/. 7 M.


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How to Cite
Velásquez Dávila, Álvaro. (2014). Analysis of improvement in the manufacturing process of the rolls production using a formed dough modeling. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 4(2).
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