Language educational software for narrative texts production in the Educational Institution N ° 64975, Pucallpa

  • Yris Bedoya Campos Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia
Keywords: Implementation, application, educational software, language, texts production, narrative texts, tales, fairy tales and legends.


Objectives: To determine how the implementation and application of Language educational software will improve the narrative texts production of tales, fairy tales and legends in second grade secondary students from Educational Institution N° 64975 Húsares del Perú, Pucallpa. Methods: Quantitative research, pre-experimental design with pre and posttest, nonrandom sample, so it’s intentional and formed by 30 students. Measuring instruments were the written tests, validated and with statistical confidence in a coefficient of 95,00 % and 0,957 respectively. Results: In the sample of 30 tested students, about the arithmetic mean, 4,50 in the pre-test and 22,00 in the post-test, an improvement of 17,50 points; about the median, 04 in the pre-test, while 24,00 in the post-test (difference of 20 points); about the mode, 04 in the pre-test while in the post test is 24,00 too. Conclusions: A significance level has been established with 5 % and the Student’s t test equal to -6,736, the implementation and application of language educational software has improved significantly the narrative texts production of tales, fairy tales and ds in second grade secondary students from Educational Institution N° 64975 Húsares del Perú, Pucallpa, 2013.


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How to Cite
Bedoya Campos, Y. (2014). Language educational software for narrative texts production in the Educational Institution N ° 64975, Pucallpa. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 4(2).
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