Occupational safety and health management system in the mining industry

  • Manuel Pérez Eusebio
Keywords: Software, management systems, safety, occupational health, mining.


Objectives: To design an application in SAAS (Software As A Service) platform for assisting the safety and health management in the mining companies of any size, complying with the current legal regulations and internal policies of the enterprise. Methods: It has been applied the development methodology of the Rational Unified Process (RUP) software customized and certified with ISO 9001:2000. The following tools were used: a programming language, Java 2.0, Active Server Page 2.0, JavaScript, T-SQL, database Microsoft SQL Server 10.0; generator of reports, Jasper Reports; originator of charts,, Fusion charts 5.0; framework UI, Sencha; Application server, JBoss; Web server, IIS; Operating system, Microsoft Windows. Results: It has been achieved a simple and an intuitive product which assists personal mining with little knowledge of software tools. In addition, this application also allows to store the structured and unstructured information in centralized manner (images, documents, etc.); available information without space restrictions; time or devices; simple process of load information through MS Excel files; statistical graphics that display the information in a simple manner; safety indicators which help to assess the management and take preventive measures in time; preventive aware in each process; and the emission of reports required by the authorities. Conclusions: From this study, it has developed an application in which the entrance and required information is very intuitive and immediate to get. Indeed, this will be useful for workers who are in charge of registering information/data and have pressure time. The processes are very standardized at international level so that they can be used in many countries.


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How to Cite
Pérez Eusebio, M. (2014). Occupational safety and health management system in the mining industry. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2014028
Artículos de investigación