Bullying in educational institutions of Huancayo city in 2011

  • Mildred Ávila Miñan Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal
  • Sara Becerra Flores Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal
  • Jeannette Vásquez Vega Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal
  • Sofía Becerra Flores Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal
Keywords: Bullying, educational institutions.


Objectives: Determine the bullying incidence in Huancayo city identifying their more recurrent forms, the actors rate, the causal attribution that it realize and the situation about how and where the abuse occurs. Methods: Exploratory – descriptive type, quantitative research and not experimental design, ex post facto and transversal cross required for the construction and validation by judges criteria of the bullying incidences questionnaire in a sample of 256 scholars from 12 to 16 years old (137 men and 119 women) aleatory selected, giving a confidence of 0,68 according to Crombach´s Alfa. Results: Has been revealed that 100% of the population has suffered some kind of bullying been of the major prevailing the psychological harassment, men are more victimized than women in a verbal form and women are victims of physical harassment. Men bullying is mixed, women use more a social form. The 77% are passive observers, the remaining 23% do something to stop the situation of abuse, and 21% confirms that this occurs in the classroom, at the sport field or around the school. Aggressors say they practice bullying because they were incited, victims say they are aggrieved to molest them or like a joke and observers practice bullying to molest or to distract the group. Conclusions: Bullying is multi causal with an alarming incidence expressed by psychological harassment where 8 of every 10 students have been victims, aggressors or observers, principally men.


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How to Cite
Ávila Miñan, M., Becerra Flores, S., Vásquez Vega, J., & Becerra Flores, S. (2011). Bullying in educational institutions of Huancayo city in 2011. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 1(2). Retrieved from https://journals.continental.edu.pe/index.php/apuntes/article/view/28
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