Influence of the study habits in the choice of professionals careers in fourth and fifth grade of secondary education
Objectives: Determine the influence of the study habits in the choice of professional careers in students of the last two grades, fourth and fifth grade of secondary education. Methods: The study has correlation and descriptive scope, with a cross sectional design. In the data collection was used two instruments: the inventory of study habits and the inventory of vocational interests. The population has been formed by a total of 6 901 students of private and public high schools, between men and women of Huancayo city, Peru. From the 6 901 students evaluated, have been taken 3 953, since 1528 were incompatible and 1 420 on blank. The population size follows a census study type. Results: Has been found that 91% (n=3 599) of the students have poor or regular study habits, been men (93,3%) who have more difficulties in relation to women (89,1%). Therefore, the relationship is evidenced between the study habits and the students gender. It shows vocational professional preferences in women toward carriers that correspond to the management of numbers (21,9%) and in the case of men the vocational preferences are related to carriers oriented to the organization of groups and to the search of common benefits (21,5%). On the other hand, carriers related to office labor had the lowest scores (0,1%). The student trend is directed to carriers that have relation with creativity (12,3%). Conclusions: Exists incidence of study habits in the vocational professional preferences considering that there might be difficulties of professional vocation and a future labor incompatibility.References
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