The idea of happiness

  • Reynaldo Alarcón Napurí Universidad Ricardo Palma
Keywords: Happiness, hedonism, Epicurus, Socrates.


The aim of this article has been to review from a theological and dynamic approach the idea of happiness. Previous information has been analyzed from the philosophical reflection of the Greek world hundreds of years before Christ, until today. The goods that make happiness are of varied nature, materials, ethical, aesthetic, psychological, religious, social and political. The Greeks conceived happiness as wisdom, pleasure or a combination of both. The materialistic reductionism, points out that life philosophy should be based on our senses harmony. Currently, happiness is considered a kind of long lasting state of satisfaction that an individual experiments subjectively when in possession of a desired good; however, the road to happiness is often full of obstacles, some depending on external factors beyond the personal control, others depend on self: low personal self-worth, lack of toughness, low motivation, and low optimism. The article concludes that the idea of happiness is a goal towards which a person consciously and selectively moves, striving to possess it, some people get it while others remain frustrated. It is the lack of deep suffering, life satisfaction, self-fulfillment and joy of living, and referring quite optimism that life is wonderful.


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How to Cite
Alarcón Napurí, R. (2015). The idea of happiness. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(1).
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