Integrated therapeutic services for children and young people with special needs

  • Carlos Vázquez Rivera Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
  • Nancy Berríos Baez Universidad de Puerto Rico
  • Aracelis Escabí Montalvo Universidad de Puerto Rico
Keywords: Assessment, community- based intervention, clinical progress, psychosocial factors


The objective was to determine the effectiveness of the offered services to children and youth with special needs in psychology, occupational therapy and speech-language areas in the context of a communitybased project. The research used the concurrent multi-method approach. A sample of 24 randomly selected files from all disciplines was assessed. To gain the data from the files, two templates (clinical and school-related) were designed. The results included that the area most often used was the occupational therapy with 79,2 %, the psychological therapy with 54,2 %, the speech-language therapy with 37,5 % and creative expression with 16,7 %. Regarding to the specialists participation in the discussions of cases, 45,8 % were in the area of psychology, 29,2 % in occupational therapy, 12,5 % in speechlanguage and 4,2 % in creative expression. The study reached 85 % of therapeutic goals and allowed that 52 % of the participants show an increase in their school performance. Some conclusions are: 1) the therapeutic goals of the project for each of the interventions were met; 2) even though some therapists were replaced there was consistency in the therapeutic progress; 3) there is a need to reevaluate the weight of the psychosocial aspects as factors that facilitate or hinders therapy, and 4) we confirm the need to change from a prevention model to a perspective of reinvigoration for the development of such projects.


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How to Cite
Vázquez Rivera, C., Berríos Baez, N., & Escabí Montalvo, A. (2015). Integrated therapeutic services for children and young people with special needs. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(1).
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