Limiting factors in the access and use of the growth and development component in children from 0-5 years old, ESSALUD, Huancayo, 2014

  • Cesar Reyes Lujan Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Iris Carrasco Díaz Universidad Peruana Los Andes
Keywords: Growth and development, limiting factors, primary care center, component


The goal of the study was to determine the limiting factors and their association with access and use of the growth and development component in children from 0-5 years old of the Primary Care Center II, Chilca, ESSALUD 2014 in the province of Huancayo. The research is of correlational scope, transversal and retrospective design. The population was represented by 3806 health-ensured children under the age of five, the sample was 350 children. Descriptive statistics, frequency distribution, contingency tables, and the Chi square test were used. As a result, 10 % of children do not use the component frequently; 12,5 % of middle class rarely attend the facility compared to 2,3 % of the upper class; 77,3 % of mothers living far away attend frequently, unlike the 93,2 % who live nearby, 22 % of those who attend less frequently consider that the number of professionals is insufficient as opposed to the 7 % who claims that it is enough. Some findings indicate that the limiting factors associated with the access and uses of the Growth and Development component are: inadequate and insufficient promotion component, the perception of quality of care, user socioeconomic characteristics, beliefs regarding the children’s health, user´s ignorance of the component’s real meaning, the characteristics of the internal organization of the establishment and geographic accessibility.


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How to Cite
Reyes Lujan, C., & Carrasco Díaz, I. (2015). Limiting factors in the access and use of the growth and development component in children from 0-5 years old, ESSALUD, Huancayo, 2014. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(1).
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