New evidences of infraestructure associated with hydraulic system of the archaeological complex of Tunanmarca, Jauja

  • Manuel Perales Munguía Universidad Continental
  • Henoch Loayza Espejo Universidad Continental
Keywords: Infrastructure, hydraulic system, archaeological complex, Tunanmarca, Jauja.


Objectives: To identify evidences that prove chronological association between the pre hispanic settlement of Tunanmarca (Jauja-Junín) with the hydraulic system near to it; and evaluate the role of such association and water management on the constitution of the power in the chiefdom built around this settlement. Methods: This basic investigation was developed, with a descriptive scope and transversal design. The procedures of compilation of data were based on: pedestrian recognition of surface leve; transects to locate and record evidences, was employed a Global Positioning System (GPS); compass tape measure, gradienter and photographic camera. While the spatial data was processed in software ArcGIS. Results: Three prehispanic remains of roads were identified, besides of two archeological structures associated to the hydraulic system of Tunanmarca, one of which seems to have been a water reservoir. The longer road connects to a probable reservoir and to the final stretch of the canal with the settlement of Tunanmarca. Conclusions: The prehispanic settlement of Tunanmarca is chronologically associated with the hydraulic system near to it, principally with the final stretch of the principal water canal, which seems to end in a possible reservoir of water, to which one accedes from the settlement by a prehispanic road. Also the limited sophistication in hydraulic technology observed and the presence of the road that connects the infrastructure associated with the canal with the central part of Tunanmarca, suggest some management water importance in the politic power constitution process and in the authority exercise of the prehispanic chief of Tunanmarca.


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How to Cite
Perales Munguía, M., & Loayza Espejo, H. (2011). New evidences of infraestructure associated with hydraulic system of the archaeological complex of Tunanmarca, Jauja. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 1(2). Retrieved from
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