Influence of informality in land titles and productive planning in agro-export chains in the Mantaro Valley, Perú

  • William Rodríguez Giráldez Universidad Continental
Keywords: Land ownership, productive planning, partnership working, productive chains


The objective was to determine the informality influence of land ownership on the productive planning in the Mantaro Valley agro-export chains. The research has a descriptive-correlational, not experimental, transactional scope. 383 agricultural producers from the Mantaro Valley provinces: Huancayo, Concepcion, Jauja and Chupaca were surveyed. Descriptive statistics as frequency distribution, contingency tables and chi-squared distribution for hypothesis testing were used. The results are, 1) In the land ownership informality, 61 % of producers have title deed and 2 % are in process; 95,7 % know about title deed benefits; 55 % state which lands are their property; 45 % consider they rent part of their lands; 2) In productive planning, 52 % of producers decide what to seed based on the demand and the best market prices, 62 % improve results because of planning, 23 % achieve production targets between 75 % and 100 %, only 19 % improve their expected productivity and 47 % improve lower ranges to 25 %; also 87 % consider that in production planning they should involve agricultural producers and businesses. In conclusion, participation in productive chains doesn’t depend on the lands possession with title deed. Partnership working isn’t depend on the decision to seed, planning, productivity improvements, neither participation in planning processes.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Giráldez, W. (2015). Influence of informality in land titles and productive planning in agro-export chains in the Mantaro Valley, Perú. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(1).
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