Hydatid disease in the Mantaro Valley, a public and surgical health problem, 2014

  • Rigoberto Zuñiga Mera Universidad Continental
Keywords: Hydatidosis, pulmonary hydatidosis, hepatic hydatidosis


The objective was to determine the hydatidosis incidence in the Mantaro Valley population; to specify the proper technique with fewer complications and more used for the hydatidosis cysts treatment in both lung and liver. The used method is based on a statistical evaluation of clinical histories from the Health Ministry main Huancayo hospitals as: “El Carmen” Hospital, “Daniel Alcides Carrión” Hospital and health centers in the private sector. The results indicate that the most frequent cases of hydatidosis were found in men and women between 10 to 19 years old with values of 20 and 16 respectively; patients provenance reach the highest percentage in Huancayo, Jauja, Sapallanga and Chupaca locations in the Mantaro Valley; the most frequent localization of pulmonary cysts is in the bilateral and left right lung, with a total of 85 cases which exceeds the liver ones that reach 51; the found symptoms in the lung cysts, are cough and hemoptysis phlegm, and reaches the highest frequency as the asymptomatic; regarding the hepatic cysts, abdominal timing, imaging findings and hypochondrium pain are the most common. In conclusion, Mantaro Valley people have a high infection by the Echinococcus granulosus which causes lung hydatid cyst, the percentage compared to the hepatic hydatid cyst are similar to other locations.


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How to Cite
Zuñiga Mera, R. (2015). Hydatid disease in the Mantaro Valley, a public and surgical health problem, 2014. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2015016
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