Implications of cosmetic surgery in the physical and psychic health in underage people

  • Romina Bulege Núñez Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
Keywords: Cosmetic surgeries, physical health, mental health, underage people (children)


The objective was to determine the implications of cosmetic surgeries in underage people in physical and psychic health, for that the cases and experiences review in our country and abroad were made. The opportunity to have a cosmetic surgery is widespread, especially talking about the benefits; however, people don’t deal with risks or psychological effects on underage people. According to the American Association of Plastic Surgeons, for each teenager that have a surgery, 10 more teens are on the Internet researching the surgical procedure they want to have. Some conclusions are that the cosmetic surgery application in teenagers is drastically affected by emotional instability and immaturity proper of their development stage, the unfinished anatomical growth and the risks that any intervention entails. The countries with the major surgeries cases are taking steps to protect children as a public health action. All cosmetic surgery on underage people requires prior psychological evaluation. It remains in our own decision to approve these surgeries, but with the appropriate precautionary information, always prioritizing the patient welfare and avoiding the exposure to any physical or psychological risk. Cosmetic surgery in teenagers shouldn’t be allowed, it’s important to consider the psychological implications as a determining factor.


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How to Cite
Bulege Núñez, R. (2015). Implications of cosmetic surgery in the physical and psychic health in underage people. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(1).
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