Profile of the professor of the Continental University from the perspective of students of the modality “Gente que Trabaja”

  • Carlos Mezarina Aguirre Universidad Continental
  • Fernando Ñaupari Rafael Universidad Continental
  • Adiel Flores Ramos Universidad Continental
  • Jaime Meza Sánchez Universidad Continental
  • Lizet Moreno Luya Universidad Continental
Keywords: Profile, professor, perspective, students.


Objectives: To determine the professor profile who serves in the modality “Gente que Trabaja” of the Continental University, from the perspective of students, considering the identification of his/her educational characteristics, which involves his/her instruction form, his/her relationship with the students and other activities; and identify personal characteristics, it means, physical appearance, personality and interpersonal relationship. Methods: The research was of descriptive level, with transverse design. The Data compilation was performed through the application of an instrument of questionnaire type, with open questions, adapted from Martinez, Garcia and Quintanal, that allowed to gather the qualifications considered by students as characteristics of a good university professor, divided in two representative ambits and six dimensions from his/her professional labor from the answers to questions like: How he/she should be? and How he/she should do his/her job?. The sample was of 272 university students, registered at professional academic school of administration, accounting, faculty of law, system engineering and electrical engineering. Results: The findings relative to the profile of the professor have demonstrated the following: teaching in classroom: didactic 16,49%, dynamic 14,34%, domain of the course 7,53%; relationship with students: pleasing 8,74%, counselor 3,11%, just 2,14%, and; others task/activities: sporting 7,87%, researcher 2,81%; physical appearance: neat 21,45%, good appearance 14,46%; character/personality: comprehensive 11,26%, respectful 7,26%, joyful 6,67%, proactive 4,59%; interpersonal relationship: friendly 21,88%, communicative 5,91%, honest 3,50%. Conclusions: It was concluded that the profile of the professor from the perspective of the university students, is a didactic, and dynamic professor, with dominion of his/her course, nice, counselor, just, sportily and researcher as well as neat, with good appearance, comprehensive, respectful, joyful, proactive, friendly, communicative and honest.


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How to Cite
Mezarina Aguirre, C., Ñaupari Rafael, F., Flores Ramos, A., Meza Sánchez, J., & Moreno Luya, L. (2011). Profile of the professor of the Continental University from the perspective of students of the modality “Gente que Trabaja”. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 1(2). Retrieved from
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