Economic estimation of water and carbon storage in the Villa Junín rural community

  • Miguel Vila Balbin Universidad Continental
  • Amelia Chupan Minaya Universidad Continental
Keywords: Carbon, volumetric capacity, rainfall, evapotranspiration, hydrological production, opportunity cost


The objective is to estimate the economic value that the wetlands generate in the water and carbon storage in the “Villa de Junín” rural community in the Junín department, Perú. The data collection process was based on the metereological data (weather and rainfall), some data of the main economic activity (cattle industry), soil samples to find out the carbon content and volumetric capacity; later we have made the gotten benefit comparison from the cattle industry with the benefit that might be gotten through the wetland services (water and carbon storage). As a result, there is an annual rainfall of 22 367 664 m3/year, from which a 42,56 % (9 294 933,67 m3/year) goes back to the atmosphere through the evapotranspiration process, remaining an available hydrological offer of 13 072 730,33 m3/year, which represents a 57,44 % of the whole hydrological offer; the hydrological production of 0,01 S/. / m3. The opportunity cost of the cattle industry is 200,38 S/. /ha /year; the water and carbon economic value is of S/. 48 974 181,79 and S/. 44 305 010,31 respectively. It is concluded that the water and carbon storage provides better economical incomes to the population than the cattle industry.


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How to Cite
Vila Balbin, M., & Chupan Minaya, A. (2015). Economic estimation of water and carbon storage in the Villa Junín rural community. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(2), 228 - 233.
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