Switching power supply and digital galvanometer design for calbi rating an angular response of solar radiation sensors

  • Nelson Díaz Spencer Universidad Continental
  • Leonardo Fernández Castillo
  • Juan Antuña Sánchez
  • Jorge Rosas Santana
  • Albert Rodríguez Vega
  • Frank García Parrado
  • Iralmy Platero Morejón
Keywords: Calibration, angular response, switching power supply, galvanometer


With the objective to determine the sun altitude correction factor, for the pyranometers - albedometers used in the Cuban actinometric stations for solar irradiance measurements, an Angular Response Calibration System for solar radiation sensors has been installed in the Atmospheric Optics Group of Camagüey. The performed measurements in these stations provide data to the Solar Radiation Diagnostic Service for Cuba. The installation of this system, unique of its kind in the country, has been possible through a collaboration project with the Atmospheric Optics Group of Valladolid University (GOA-UVA). For the usage of this system, it has been necessary to design and construct both, a switching power supply for the halogen lamp used in calibrations, as well as a digital galvanometer to collect the generated data. The objective of this research is the design, construction and operating tune of both devices. In the case of the switching power supply, power sources with similar features in the market were studied, from which we proceeded to the electronic design and simulation of the corresponding circuits. Finally, both the switching power supply and the digital galvanometer were built and nowadays are being validated. The last one device will be replicated in order to replace its analogic homologues in the Solar Radiation Diagnostic Service for Cuba.


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How to Cite
Díaz Spencer, N., Fernández Castillo, L., Antuña Sánchez, J., Rosas Santana, J., Rodríguez Vega, A., García Parrado, F., & Platero Morejón, I. (2015). Switching power supply and digital galvanometer design for calbi rating an angular response of solar radiation sensors. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(2), 243 - 248. https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2015042
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