Campaign for cervical cancer prevention in Huancayo

  • Arleth Mejia Cuyatti Universidad Continental
  • Leticia Ribbeck Soto Universidad Continental
  • Nataly Romero Manrique Universidad Continental
Keywords: Cervical cancer, pap test, risk factors


The study goal was raising awareness in the Incho neighborhood, El Tambo district from Huancayo about cervical cancer prevention, and also spread this awareness to the population on the importance of Papanicolau smear screening. In Previous activities, Ishikawa spine and the prioritizing problems table were used to identify the reasons why female population exposed to cervical cancer does not know how to prevent this disease. In order to reach the goal, advocacy campaign efforts were performed to meet the population target through printed material with full information on cervical cancer prevention; a questionnaire to collect data regarding the disease knowledge was also used. As a Result, most women had not received this kind of information, more than 50 % did not know how to prevent cervical cancer, however, most of them knew about the Papanicolau Test. Likewise, after sensitization the majority of the examined women had their doubts satisfied regarding cervical cancer. Finally, these sensitization programs help prevent the spread of disease on vulnerable populations, and improve women’s agreement to attend health centers for their respective check-ups.


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How to Cite
Mejia Cuyatti, A., Ribbeck Soto, L., & Romero Manrique, N. (2015). Campaign for cervical cancer prevention in Huancayo. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(2), 322 - 326.
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