Organizational climate and teaching job performance in elementary and high school educational institutions

  • Roberto Paco Ccora Universidad Continental
  • José Matas Castañeda Universidad Continental
Keywords: Organizational climate, teacher job performance, social climate, particular educational institution, state educational institution


The aim was to determine if there was a significant relationship between organizational climate and job performance in Private School San Pío X teachers and Public Educational Institution Rosa de Lima in San Jeronimo, Huancayo province. The research was basic, descriptive and correlational. The sampling type was not probabilistic and included 110 teachers in total between male and female from elementary and high school levels; 60 teachers from San Pio X Private School and 50 teachers from Rosa de Lima Public Educational Institution in San Jeronimo. The instruments applied were: Social climate scales at work (WES), which assess the existing social environment in various workplaces and the job performance inventory. The research findings determined a significant relationship between organizational climate and job performance of teachers from San Pio X Private School Institution and Rosa de Lima Public Educational Institution, from San Jeronimo (r Pearson value of 0,71). The organizational climate is a determining factor in teacher’s competencies and factors affecting their performance; and involves a constant reference to their members regarding their staying in the organization. Therefore, a favorable climate within the scope of work will lead to the predisposition of a great job, which has a positive impact on teaching, student learning and the generation of new knowledge.


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How to Cite
Paco Ccora, R., & Matas Castañeda, J. (2015). Organizational climate and teaching job performance in elementary and high school educational institutions. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(2), 334 - 338.
Artículos de investigación